Stone Merchant - Händler des Terrors
Renzo MartinelliSchauspieler:
Harvey Keitel, Jane March, Jordi Mollà, F. Murray Abraham, Paco Reconti, Bruno Bilotta, Lucilla Agosti, Dhaffer L'Abidine, Eddy Lemare, Federica Martinelli, Eleonora Martinelli, Riccardo Forte, Alena Ivanov, Maria Grazia Adamo, Jonis BashirLudovico Vicedomini ist ein reicher Händler, der seine Geschäfte zwischen Europa und dem Mittleren Osten abwickelt. Auf den ersten Blick ein charmanter und charismatischer Mann, verbirgt Ludovico ein dunkles Geheimnis: Zusammen mit seinem Geschäftspartner Shahid plant er einen terroristischen Angriff von epischer Größe, der den Westen in die Knie zwingen soll.
The Merchant (Harvey Keitel) is a Westerner. A merchant dealing in precious stones from Afganistan and Turkey. He's above suspicion. In truth, the "Stone Merchant" is a Christian convert into Islam. He's rich, cultured, fascinating. Leda (Jane March) is a successful woman who works as Head of the Public Relations for a big company. She's married to Alceo, a professor at the Sapienza University, specialized in the history of terrorist movements. Alceo is on a wheel chair. He lost his legs in the attack to the American Embassy in Nairobi in 1998. Shahid is a terrorist. Now he's planning an attack along the English Channel. Their lives, their destinies cross in Turkey, where Leda and Alceo are on holiday. And the plot will go on to Rome and Turin till the epilogue of the attack on the ferry boat.
The Merchant (Harvey Keitel) is a Westerner. A merchant dealing in precious stones from Afganistan and Turkey. He's above suspicion. In truth, the "Stone Merchant" is a Christian convert into Islam. He's rich, cultured, fascinating. Leda (Jane March) is a successful woman who works as Head of the Public Relations for a big company. She's married to Alceo, a professor at the Sapienza University, specialized in the history of terrorist movements. Alceo is on a wheel chair. He lost his legs in the attack to the American Embassy in Nairobi in 1998. Shahid is a terrorist. Now he's planning an attack along the English Channel. Their lives, their destinies cross in Turkey, where Leda and Alceo are on holiday. And the plot will go on to Rome and Turin till the epilogue of the attack on the ferry boat.