Street Racer - Der Asphalt brennt
Teo KonuralpSchauspieler:
Clint Browning, Dorothy Drury, Robert Pike Daniel, Jason Ellefson, Dustin Fitzsimons, Michael Crider, Connor Clayton, T.J. Zale, Reggie Jernigan, Sinead McCafferty, Jennifer DorogiNachdem Johnny (C. Browning) mit seinem Wagen einen tragischen Unfall verursacht, bei dem ein kleiner Junge schwer verletzt wird und infolgedessen behindert bleibt, muss er einige Jahre im Gefängnis verbringen. Doch auch nach seiner Entlassung hat er noch immer Benzin im Blut und so kehrt er schnell in die Welt der illegalen und hochgefährlichen Straßenrennen zurück, bei denen er sich wieder an die Spitze kämpfen will ...
Johnny Wayne (Clint Browning) is an ex-racer who is serving in prison after crippling a young boy during an illegal street race in Los Angeles. Wayne, having been traumatized by the events, vows to never race again, and is soon released as a reformed citizen. Soon he finds himself working at a scrap yard with his childhood friend Travis (Jack Goldenberg). But his probation officer is a man who thinks he can blackmail him into illegal street racing. Even though Wayne is attempts to restore his life and become an honest, hardworking member of society, he slowly finds himself being lured back into street racing...
Johnny Wayne (Clint Browning) is an ex-racer who is serving in prison after crippling a young boy during an illegal street race in Los Angeles. Wayne, having been traumatized by the events, vows to never race again, and is soon released as a reformed citizen. Soon he finds himself working at a scrap yard with his childhood friend Travis (Jack Goldenberg). But his probation officer is a man who thinks he can blackmail him into illegal street racing. Even though Wayne is attempts to restore his life and become an honest, hardworking member of society, he slowly finds himself being lured back into street racing...