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Ernie BarbarashSchauspieler:
Alison Sweeney, Greg Vaughan, Ed Asner, Benjamin Stockham, Dawnn Lewis, Charlotte Labadie, Diego Serrano, Briana Lane, Rance Howard, Nikki Hahn, Edith Fields, James Eckhouse, Austin Basis, Stephanie Erb, Barry Livingston, Aaron NorvellDer Feuerwehrmann Jeff muss sich wegen einer schweren Verletzung am Bein ein Zimmer im Erdgeschoss mieten. Deshalb zieht er bei der alleinerziehenden Jenny und ihren beiden Kindern Luke und Elsie zur Untermiete ein. Die Kinder fassen schnell Vertrauen zu Jeff, dessen Vater bei einem Feuerwehreinsatz ums Leben kam. Sie versuchen ihn mit ihrer Mutter zu verkuppeln aber Jenny zögert, weil sie Angst hat sie und die Kinder könnten durch eine neuerliche Trennung zutiefst verletzt werden.
Jenny McLean is a single mom working at a 911-call center struggling to make ends meet and raise her two kids, Elsie and Luke. Although still reeling from her divorce, Jenny can’t help but flirt when she gets emergency calls from Jeff, a local firefighter she nicknames “Cowboy” for his handsome voice. When Jeff is hurt in the line of duty, he finds himself unable to climb stairs and needing to rent a first floor room from Jenny. It isn't long before the sparks are flying but can Jenny allow herself to take the risk?
Jenny McLean is a single mom working at a 911-call center struggling to make ends meet and raise her two kids, Elsie and Luke. Although still reeling from her divorce, Jenny can’t help but flirt when she gets emergency calls from Jeff, a local firefighter she nicknames “Cowboy” for his handsome voice. When Jeff is hurt in the line of duty, he finds himself unable to climb stairs and needing to rent a first floor room from Jenny. It isn't long before the sparks are flying but can Jenny allow herself to take the risk?