Superheld wider Willen
Philippe LacheauSchauspieler:
Philippe Lacheau, Julien Arruti, Tarek Boudali, Élodie Fontan, Alice Dufour, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Amr Waked, Chantal Ladesou, Brahim Bouhlel, Georges Corraface, Paco Boisson, Tony Saint-Laurent, Salomé Partouche, Dédeine Volk-Léonovitch, Régis Laspalès, Iliés MoujaneDer erfolglose Schauspieler Cedric ist ständig pleite, seine Freundin hat Schluss gemacht und selbst seine besten Freunde haben den Glauben an ihn und sein Talent verloren. Alles ändert sich, als er die lang ersehnte Hauptrolle bekommt – als Superheld Badman! Endlich eine Chance, sich aus seiner endlosen Abwärtsspirale zu befreien. Doch das Schicksal schlägt wieder zu: Cedric verliert bei einem Autounfall sein Gedächtnis, während er noch im Badman-Kostüm steckt. Überzeugt davon, dass er ein echter Superheld auf großer Mission sei, gerät er von einer absurden und gefährlichen Situation in die nächste.
Unterhaltsame Actionkomödie aus Frankreich von und mit Philippe Lacheau.
Struggling actor Cedric seems doomed to lead the life of a loser. He's broke and his girlfriend has dumped him. Even his own father, sister and best buddies have lost faith in his ability to do anything worthwhile. Then finally, he gets a lead role: the superhero “Badman“. A chance to pull himself out of an endless downward spiral and gain his father's respect. But fate strikes again! Rushing off the set in full costume, Cedric has a car accident, loses his memory, and wakes up convinced he really is a superhero on mission! Confronted with real-life adventure and danger, his true nature is put to the test. Does he have what it takes to tackle the forces of evil, defend the weakest among us and beat the bad guys? But you can't just decide to be a hero, let alone a superhero... especially someone like Cedric!
Struggling actor Cedric seems doomed to lead the life of a loser. He's broke and his girlfriend has dumped him. Even his own father, sister and best buddies have lost faith in his ability to do anything worthwhile. Then finally, he gets a lead role: the superhero “Badman“. A chance to pull himself out of an endless downward spiral and gain his father's respect. But fate strikes again! Rushing off the set in full costume, Cedric has a car accident, loses his memory, and wakes up convinced he really is a superhero on mission! Confronted with real-life adventure and danger, his true nature is put to the test. Does he have what it takes to tackle the forces of evil, defend the weakest among us and beat the bad guys? But you can't just decide to be a hero, let alone a superhero... especially someone like Cedric!