Deon TaylorSchauspieler:
Joe Anderson, Evan Ross, Dawn Olivieri, Derek LukeNachdem der Rassist Garrett ‘Tully’ Fuller (Joe Anderson) gemeinsam mit seiner nicht minder brutalen Freundin einen Cop getötet haben, verschanzen sie sich in einem Haus und nehmen dort eine afroamerikanische Familie als Geiseln. eine Nacht voller Terror bricht nun über die Familie hinein. Vor allem als der starkt tätowierte und mehr als Gewaltbereite Sobecki (Anson Mount), Anführer der arischen Bruderschaft, dem das mörderische Paar angehört, von dem Zwischenfall Wind bekommt.
The story centers on paroled white supremacist who has just killed a cop, and takes a black family hostage. Within hours of being released from 14 years of solitary confinement in maximum-security Pelican Bay State Prison, Garrett Tully is on the run again. When he finds a house off a dirt road and takes a family hostage, he thinks the Aryan Brotherhood has his back–and his kidnap victims are black. The family’s patriarch, Mr. Walker, is a jaded ex-con who hates cops so much he disavowed his own son for becoming one. Seeing a familiar desperation in Tully, Walker refuses to call the authorities for help, causing familial tensions to escalate, and soon grave missteps are made.
The story centers on paroled white supremacist who has just killed a cop, and takes a black family hostage. Within hours of being released from 14 years of solitary confinement in maximum-security Pelican Bay State Prison, Garrett Tully is on the run again. When he finds a house off a dirt road and takes a family hostage, he thinks the Aryan Brotherhood has his back–and his kidnap victims are black. The family’s patriarch, Mr. Walker, is a jaded ex-con who hates cops so much he disavowed his own son for becoming one. Seeing a familiar desperation in Tully, Walker refuses to call the authorities for help, causing familial tensions to escalate, and soon grave missteps are made.