Sword of God - Der letzte Kreuzzug
Bartosz KonopkaSchauspieler:
Jacek Koman, Jan Bijvoet, Jeroen Perceval, Krzysztof Pieczynski, Karol Bernacki, Wiktoria Gorodecka, Olivier De Sagazan, Dominik Bak, Konrad Beta, Marcel Borowiec, Izabela Chlewinska, Halina Chmielarz, Marta Cichorska, Kamil Dobrowolski, Karol Dus, Magdalena FejdaszDie beiden Missionare Willibrord und sein stummer Begleiter werden auf eine entlegene Insel entsendet, um das dort lebende heidnische Volk vom Christentum zu überzeugen. Doch der hochrangige Stammespriester Geowold zeigt wenig einsehen, auch wenn er damit das Leben seines gesamten Stammes in Gefahr bringt. Unerwartete Hilfe erhalten die beiden unterschiedlichen Männer von Geowolds Tochter Prahwe – kommen die beiden Parteien doch noch überein, bevor die königliche Armee anrückt?
Die polnisch-belgische Produktion wurde bereits 2018 fertiggestellt und soll 2020 in den deutschen Kinos anlaufen.
In the early Middle Ages, two Christian knights set off to christen a small pagan village hidden deep in the mountains. Despite the differences in their views and perspectives on religion, the two men become travel companions and create a father-son relationship. As they settle into the local community, their faith, belief system and the bond between them are all put to the test. Soon, love is confronted with hate, dialogue with violence, madness with rules and many will have to die.
In the early Middle Ages, two Christian knights set off to christen a small pagan village hidden deep in the mountains. Despite the differences in their views and perspectives on religion, the two men become travel companions and create a father-son relationship. As they settle into the local community, their faith, belief system and the bond between them are all put to the test. Soon, love is confronted with hate, dialogue with violence, madness with rules and many will have to die.