Systemfehler - Wenn Inge tanzt
Wolfgang GroosSchauspieler:
Tim Oliver Schultz, Paula Kalenberg, Peter Kraus, Constantin von Jascheroff, Tino Mewes, Thando Walbaum, Jürgen Tarrach, Dagmar von Kurmin, Matthias Koeberlin, Anna Keul, Béatrice Jean-Philippe, Lilay Huser, Andreas Potulski, Roswitha Ehlen-AthumanMit ihrem Schmäh-Hit "Wenn Inge tanzt" haben es die vier Punkrocker der Schülerband "Systemfehler" zu regionaler Berühmtheit gebracht, die Max, Fabio, Joscha und Lukas gehörig zu Kopf steigt. Als sie auf einer angesagten Talentbühne auftreten sollen, träumt das Quartett vom großen Erfolg. Da sich Gitarrist Joscha die Hände demoliert hat, brauchen sie kurzfristig Ersatz: Max' cooler Onkel Herb rät zu eben jener Inge. Die verkniffene Ökoaktivistin reagiert alles andere als begeistert. Da lässt Max seinen Charme spielen.
Ruppiger Gitarrenpunkrock, respektloser Humor, etwas harmloser Sex, frische Jungdarsteller und einige nette Nebenfiguren (darunter Schlagerlegende Peter Kraus), das sind die Ingredienzien einer deutschen Teenagerkomödie, die sich hinter amerikanischen Vorbildern nicht zu verstecken braucht. Wolfgang Groos ("Vorstadtkrokodile 3") inszeniert das cineastische Äquivalent zu einer feuchtfröhlichen Studentenparty, wenn vier Jungrocker zwischen Liebe und Erfolg wählen müssen.
The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".
The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".