Tanz der Hexen
Larry CohenSchauspieler:
Bette Davis, Barbara Carrera, Colleen Camp, Lionel Stander, David Rasche, Shawn Donahue, Tom Bosley, Richard Moll, Evelyn Keyes, James Dixon, Seymour Cassel, Susie Garrett, Laurene Landon, Bob Goen, Robert Frank Telfer, Richard DugganAls Jenny (Barbara Carrera) aus dem Urlaub kommt, erlebt sie eine Überraschung: Ihr verwitweter Vater Sam (Lionel Stander) hat wieder geheiratet. Die neue Stiefmutter (Bette Davis) übt einen seltsamen Einfluss auf Sam aus. In Jenny keimt der Verdacht, dass die Alte eine Hexe ist.
A mother/daughter pair of witches descend on a yuppie family's home and cause havoc, one at a time since they share one body & the other must live in a cat the rest of the time. Now it's up to the family's mother, a private detective, and a suspended police officer to try and stop the witches.
A mother/daughter pair of witches descend on a yuppie family's home and cause havoc, one at a time since they share one body & the other must live in a cat the rest of the time. Now it's up to the family's mother, a private detective, and a suspended police officer to try and stop the witches.