Te Ata - Stimme eines Volkes
Nathan FrankowskiSchauspieler:
Q'orianka Kilcher, Gil Birmingham, Graham Greene, Mackenzie Astin, Brigid Brannagh, Cindy Pickett, Tom Nowicki, Morgana Shaw, Jenni Mabrey, Marissa Skell, Boriana Williams, Don Taylor, Robert Ousley, Gordon Fox, Zac Abbott, Gail CronauerDie indianischstämmige Te Ata will sich ihren Traum erfüllen, am Broadway zu singen… aber obwohl so hartnäckig bei Castings teilnimmt, bleibt der Durchbruch zunächst aus und Zweifel beginnen an ihr zu nagen. Die Frage nach ihrer wahren Berufung führt sie durch Isolation, Entdeckungen und Liebe hindurch – am Ende steht schließlich eine Bühnenkarriere, die mit Auftritten vor dem Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, dem europäischen Adel und Menschen aus aller Welt ihre Höhepunkte erreicht. Die kulturellen Barrieren sind endlich überwunden.
Basierend auf der wahren Geschichte von Mary Thompson Fisher, eine der erfolgreichsten indianischstämmigen Künstlerinnen aller Zeiten. Mit Q'orianka Kilcher und Gil Brimingham in den Hauptrollen.
The extraordinary life of Chickasaw Nation citizen Mary Thompson Fisher is given a heartfelt tribute in this moving look at a culture in transition, and the way one woman used her voice to keep Native traditions and stories alive. Raised in Indian Territory, Fisher left home to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, only to find that her true calling was at home all along. From Chautauquas to Broadway and even the White House, Fisher traveled the world performing Native American songs and stories for heads of state, American presidents, and European royalty. Featuring Chickasaw citizens both in front of and be-hind the camera, this touching portrait starring Q’orianka Kilcher (“The New World”) and Graham Greene honors a woman whose own story was the most inspiring one she never told. -TCFF database
The extraordinary life of Chickasaw Nation citizen Mary Thompson Fisher is given a heartfelt tribute in this moving look at a culture in transition, and the way one woman used her voice to keep Native traditions and stories alive. Raised in Indian Territory, Fisher left home to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, only to find that her true calling was at home all along. From Chautauquas to Broadway and even the White House, Fisher traveled the world performing Native American songs and stories for heads of state, American presidents, and European royalty. Featuring Chickasaw citizens both in front of and be-hind the camera, this touching portrait starring Q’orianka Kilcher (“The New World”) and Graham Greene honors a woman whose own story was the most inspiring one she never told. -TCFF database