Teen Wolf 2
Christopher LeitchSchauspieler:
Jason Bateman, Kim Darby, John Astin, Mark Holton, Estee Chandler, Robert Neary, Stuart Fratkin, Paul Sand, James Hampton, Beth Miller, Rachel Sharp, David Burton, William H. Burton Jr., Kathleen Freeman, Eric Matthew, D.A. MatzkeTodd Howard, Cousin des College-Werwolfs aus dem ersten Teil, bleibt vom Familienfluch nicht verschont. Der Spott, den er anfangs wegen seiner unfreiwilligen Verwandlungskünste bei seinen Mitschülern erntet, weicht aufrichtiger Bewunderung, als er im Werwolf-Outfit Box-As der Schule wird. Todd wird eingebildet und vernachlässigt seine treue Freundin. Schließlich besinnt er sich, tritt zum Entscheidungskampf ohne Fell an und wird auch so zum Collegemeister.
Recht witzige Fortsetzung des Überraschungshits "Teen Wolf". Der Aufguß muß zwar ohne Michael J. Fox auskommen und ist etwas zu klamaukhaft geraten, aber die Zutaten für eine unterhaltsame Teeniekomödie stimmen.
Although awkward college student Todd Howard is particularly adept at science, he's paying for school with an athletic scholarship that he will lose should he not fare well in an upcoming boxing tournament. Luckily for Todd, he has inherited the same family curse that once turned his cousin into a werewolf. As he transforms into the hairy, fanged, howling monster, he finds both his physical agility and his popularity skyrocketing -- but at what cost?
Although awkward college student Todd Howard is particularly adept at science, he's paying for school with an athletic scholarship that he will lose should he not fare well in an upcoming boxing tournament. Luckily for Todd, he has inherited the same family curse that once turned his cousin into a werewolf. As he transforms into the hairy, fanged, howling monster, he finds both his physical agility and his popularity skyrocketing -- but at what cost?