Terror 5
Sebastian Rotstein, Federico RotsteinSchauspieler:
Airas Alban, Augusto Alvarez, Nai Awada, Juan BarberiniEine Gruppe von Freunden zieht sich auf einer Party einen brutalen Snuff-Film rein. Zu spät merken sie, dass der wahre Terror bereits neben ihnen sitzt. Die Todesopfer eines Bauunglücks steigen aus ihren Gräbern, als der Unfall von den Verantwortlichen vertuscht werden soll.
Herman und Gabriela haben ein geheimes Date in einem Sex-Motel, doch hinter dem Spiegel über dem Bett wartet eine blutige Überraschung auf sie. Das und mehr passiert in einer Nacht in fünf grausamen und bizarren Geschichten, die auf urbanen Legenden beruhen.
Argentinische Horroranthologie, die urbane Legenden mit dem Kultfilm “Wild Tales” verbindet.
While most of the residents of a small Argentinian town attend a funeral procession following a tragic building collapse, the few who do not will face terrors of their own in this mashup of urban legends from brother-fillmmakers Sebastián and Federico Rotstein. Think bondage, torture, zombies…and governmental corruption. Juan goes on a date with Sonia to a school where students get even with teachers. Luco and Paulo create an elaborate plan to swap girlfriends. Two lovers escape into a motel for a night of passion, while a group of friends enjoys a snuff film. As their primal urges distract them all, local officials are judged innocent of the neglect that caused the building collapse—and then the horror really begins.
While most of the residents of a small Argentinian town attend a funeral procession following a tragic building collapse, the few who do not will face terrors of their own in this mashup of urban legends from brother-fillmmakers Sebastián and Federico Rotstein. Think bondage, torture, zombies…and governmental corruption. Juan goes on a date with Sonia to a school where students get even with teachers. Luco and Paulo create an elaborate plan to swap girlfriends. Two lovers escape into a motel for a night of passion, while a group of friends enjoys a snuff film. As their primal urges distract them all, local officials are judged innocent of the neglect that caused the building collapse—and then the horror really begins.