Th13teen - For Sale by Owner
Pritesh ChhedaSchauspieler:
Kristina Craig, Amanda Brown, John Lansch, Trant Batey, Rachel Robertson, Andy Wilson, Erika Santos, Audrey Davis, Michael Morlan, Lowell Moore, Lauren Alexander, Amy Levin, Eric De Los Santos, Andrew Perkel, Pritesh Chheda, Steve WrightDie Einwohner von Emeryville haben allen Grund, sich zu sorgen: Für das beschauliche Dorf ist Sturmwarnung angesagt, und das Lokalfernsehen berichtet über einem flüchtigen Serienkiller. Für die junge Psychotherapeutin Sara scheint das Wetter die realere Bedrohung. Sie geht aus, um Notvorräte zu beschaffen. Bei ihrer Rückkehr findet Sie einen Fremden in ihrem Haus: Andrew stellt sich als Immobilienspezialist vor, der mit Saras Mann einen Termin vereinbart hat. Saras Mann ist aber geschäftlich verreist. Ungewiss, ob es sich um ein Versehen handelt, bleibt Sara nur, Andrew bleiben zu lassen, als draußen der Sturm losbricht.
Emeryville: population 73,250, including one feared serial killer on the loose who carves the number 13 into his victims’ chests. Sara is home alone on a stormy night when there is a knock at the door. Andrew, a real estate consultant, has stopped by regarding the sale of her house. Problem is, the house isn’t for sale. Against her better judgment, she grants Andrew shelter from the rain. But tension builds as Andrew, talking about his impending custody battle for his daughter, becomes more and more agitated. Sara finds herself in possible peril, until there is another knock at the door. John, a scripture-quoting home security technician, has stopped by to fix a fuse. But he may not be all he seems when a knife is found in his bag. Cautious cat-and-mouse play ensues as the trio tries to determine just who the true threat is, while a surprise twist leaves you wondering just who it is that really needs to be saved …
Emeryville: population 73,250, including one feared serial killer on the loose who carves the number 13 into his victims’ chests. Sara is home alone on a stormy night when there is a knock at the door. Andrew, a real estate consultant, has stopped by regarding the sale of her house. Problem is, the house isn’t for sale. Against her better judgment, she grants Andrew shelter from the rain. But tension builds as Andrew, talking about his impending custody battle for his daughter, becomes more and more agitated. Sara finds herself in possible peril, until there is another knock at the door. John, a scripture-quoting home security technician, has stopped by to fix a fuse. But he may not be all he seems when a knife is found in his bag. Cautious cat-and-mouse play ensues as the trio tries to determine just who the true threat is, while a surprise twist leaves you wondering just who it is that really needs to be saved …