The 15:17 to Paris
Clint EastwoodSchauspieler:
Judy Greer, Jenna Fischer, Thomas Lennon, Sinqua Walls, Jaleel White, P.J. Byrne, Gary Weeks, Ethan Rains, Jeanne Goursaud, Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone, Ray Corasani, Tony Hale, Bryce Gheisar, Lillian Solange BeaudoinIn den frühen Abendstunden des 21. August 2015 eröffnet ein bewaffneter Terrorist im Thalys-Zug 9364 von Amsterdam nach Paris das Feuer auf Zugreisende. Doch die Leben der 500 Passagiere an Bord des Schnellzuges werden gerettet durch das mutige Einschreiten einiger Passagiere, darunter die drei mitreisenden amerikanischen Soldaten Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos und Spencer Stone (spielen alle drei sich selbst). Die Freunde überwältigen den Täter und werden zu Helden. In einer Reihe von Rückblenden werden Kindheit und Jugend der drei Soldaten erzählt und welche Umstände dazu geführt haben, dass sie sich überhaupt an Bord des Zuges befanden.
Clint Eastwood verfilmt die im Buch „The 15:17 To Paris: The True Story Of A Terrorist, A Train, And Three American Heroes“ festgehaltene Geschichte über den vereitelten Terror-Anschlag im Zug von Amsterdam nach Paris.
In August 2015, an ISIS terrorist boarded train #9364 from Brussels to Paris. Armed with an AK-47 and enough ammo to kill more than 500 people, the terrorist might have succeeded except for three American friends who refused to give in to fear. One was a college student, one was a martial arts enthusiast and airman first class in the U.S. Air Force, and the other was a member of the Oregon National Guard, and all three pals proved fearless as they charged and ultimately overpowered the gunman after he emerged from a bathroom armed and ready to kill.
In August 2015, an ISIS terrorist boarded train #9364 from Brussels to Paris. Armed with an AK-47 and enough ammo to kill more than 500 people, the terrorist might have succeeded except for three American friends who refused to give in to fear. One was a college student, one was a martial arts enthusiast and airman first class in the U.S. Air Force, and the other was a member of the Oregon National Guard, and all three pals proved fearless as they charged and ultimately overpowered the gunman after he emerged from a bathroom armed and ready to kill.