The Aswang Chronicles
Erik MattiSchauspieler:
Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Janice de Belen, Joey Marquez, Ramon Bautista, Roi Vinzon, Mike Gayoso, LJ Reyes, Rina Reyes, RJ Salvador, Montito Almario, Jeff Fernandez, Cris Pastor, Dwight GastonGar schief hängt der Haussegen zwischen Makoy und seiner hochschwangeren Geliebten Sonia. Voller Zorn flüchtet Sonia zu ihren Eltern aufs Land, wo Mutter sie in ihrer Haltung bestärkt. Sonias Vater Nestor aber weiß, was zu tun ist. Ein Fest der Versöhnung soll gefeiert werden, und dazu benötigt es nach alter Sitte ein Schwein. Doch die Verkäufer des Schweins sind Dämonen und haben es auf das junge Glück abgesehen. Als die Nacht hereinbricht, gehen sie zum Angriff über. Was die Familie immerhin dazu zwingt, zusammen zu halten.
Auch, wenn man es dem durchschnittlichen Horrorregal kaum ansieht: Die Philippinen haben eine reiche Tradition von Horrorfilmen. Und eine eigene nationale Schreckensgestalt, den irgendwo zwischen Vampir, Zombie und Werwolf angelegten, auf Babymord spezialisierten Aswang. In diesem handwerklich sauberen Low-Budget-Genrefilm wird Action großgeschrieben, und auch für eine Portion schwarzen Humor ist gesorgt. Dafür müssen sie bei Spezialeffekten noch üben (der gute Wille ist erkennbar).
With dark shades on and a burning cigarette between his lips, Makoy will do whatever it takes to get back his girlfriend Sonia, who’s pregnant with their child. He makes the trip to remote Pulupandan, her hometown, and is quickly rebuffed by Sonia’s mother Fely. But Makoy has never been one to give up. With the help of Sonia’s father Nestor and his ever-dependable helper Bart, Makoy stays in town to surprise Sonia on her birthday. But alas, Makoy gets into trouble with a group of townsfolk who transform into tiktik—horrific, man-eating creatures with a taste for fetuses that are still in the womb! They are angry, and they are hungry for revenge. Will their thirst for blood and retribution be quenched? Will Makoy finally get his act together, protect Sonia and their baby, and once and for all prove himself worthy of their love? Who will win in the battle between men and monsters?
With dark shades on and a burning cigarette between his lips, Makoy will do whatever it takes to get back his girlfriend Sonia, who’s pregnant with their child. He makes the trip to remote Pulupandan, her hometown, and is quickly rebuffed by Sonia’s mother Fely. But Makoy has never been one to give up. With the help of Sonia’s father Nestor and his ever-dependable helper Bart, Makoy stays in town to surprise Sonia on her birthday. But alas, Makoy gets into trouble with a group of townsfolk who transform into tiktik—horrific, man-eating creatures with a taste for fetuses that are still in the womb! They are angry, and they are hungry for revenge. Will their thirst for blood and retribution be quenched? Will Makoy finally get his act together, protect Sonia and their baby, and once and for all prove himself worthy of their love? Who will win in the battle between men and monsters?