The Baby's Room
Álex de la Iglesia, James PhillipsSchauspieler:
Javier Gutiérrez, Leonor Watling, Sancho Gracia, María Asquerino, Terele Pávez, Antonio Dechent, Eulàlia Ramon, Ramón Barea, Asunción Balaguer, Manuel Tallafé, Cesáreo Estébanez, Gracia Olayo, Enrique Martínez, Penélope Velasco, Antonio de la Torre, Carolo RuizJuan und Sonia, ein junges Ehepaar mit einer kleinen Tochter, zieht in ein altes, baufälliges Haus. Als sie ein Babyfon geschenkt bekommen, hört Juan eines Nachts merkwürdige Geräusche aus dem Kinderzimmer. Beunruhigt kauft er ein moderneres Gerät, mit dem man das Zimmer auch visuell überwachen kann - und prompt sieht er einen Mann neben seinem Kind sitzen. Leider stellt sich heraus, daß es den "Besucher" wohl gar nicht gibt, doch Juan reagiert so nervös, daß die Familie zwischenzeitlich auseinanderbricht. Von einem Kollegen erfährt er, daß es Plätze gibt, an dem die Wirklichkeiten sich überschneiden können und das er mittels des Babyfons offenbar ein Ereignis aus der Vergangenheit aufnehmen kann, in dem ein Vater Frau und Kind ermordet.
Fasziniert bemüht er sich, das Rätsel zu lösen und unterliegt einem furchtbaren Irrtum...
In Spain, the sports journalist Juan has a perfect life with his wife Sonia: they have just had a baby and moved to an old house that needs to be repaired in a fancy neighborhood. When Juan's sister and her husband visit the couple, they give them an electronic nanny to monitor the baby's room. During the night, Juan and Sonia hear voices in the room but they do not find anybody. On the next day, Juan hires an alarm system for the house and a monitor to observe the baby's room. When Juan sees a man in the room, he gets a knife to protect his son. However, Sonia believes her husband is insane and moves to her mother's house. Juan investigates the happening with the former journalist Domingo, who explains him the paradoxical experiment Schrodinger's Cat and the existence of parallel worlds. Further, he advises the obsessed Juan to leave the house otherwise could be trapped in another world.
In Spain, the sports journalist Juan has a perfect life with his wife Sonia: they have just had a baby and moved to an old house that needs to be repaired in a fancy neighborhood. When Juan's sister and her husband visit the couple, they give them an electronic nanny to monitor the baby's room. During the night, Juan and Sonia hear voices in the room but they do not find anybody. On the next day, Juan hires an alarm system for the house and a monitor to observe the baby's room. When Juan sees a man in the room, he gets a knife to protect his son. However, Sonia believes her husband is insane and moves to her mother's house. Juan investigates the happening with the former journalist Domingo, who explains him the paradoxical experiment Schrodinger's Cat and the existence of parallel worlds. Further, he advises the obsessed Juan to leave the house otherwise could be trapped in another world.