The Bay - Nach Angst kommt Panik
Barry LevinsonSchauspieler:
Kristen Connolly, Jane McNeill, Anthony Reynolds, Christopher Denham, Andy Stahl, Lauren Cohn, Brandon Hanson, John Harrington Bland, Frank Deal, Jody Thompson, Lamya Jezek, James Patrick Freetly, Ron Stafford, Dave Hager, Michael Beasley, Kether DonohueAls zwei französische Forscher im Wasser um den kleinen Küstenort Claridge, Maryland herum an der Chesapeake Bay eine sehr hohe Konzentration an verschiedenen Giften feststellen und dies dem Bürgermeister mitteilen, wiegelt dieser die Gefahr ab, da kurz vor den anstehenden Feierlichkeiten zum 04. Juli keine Panik unter Anwohnern und Gästen entstehen soll. Am Tag der Unabhängigkeit ist es dann aber so weit: Zunächst sind es nur Unmengen an toten Fischen, die an Land geschwemmt werden, bis die Menschen die tatsächliche Ursache ergründen können. Eine durch die Gifte mutierte Abart eines Endoparasiten springt von den Fischen auf den Wirt Mensch über – mit fatalen Folgen. Nur das Jahre später veröffentlichte Video- und Audio-Material offenbart, was sich am 04. Juli 2009 wirklich zugetragen hat in Claridge, Maryland.
Two million fish washed ashore. One thousand blackbirds dropped from the sky. On July 4, 2009 a deadly menace swept through the quaint seaside town of Claridge, Maryland, but the harrowing story of what happened that Independence Day has never been told—until now. The authorities believed they had buried the truth about the tragedy that claimed over 700 human lives. Now, three years later, a reporter has emerged with footage revealing the cover-up and an unimaginable killer: a mysterious parasitic outbreak. Told from the perspective of those who were there and saw what happened, The Bay unfolds over 24 hours through people's iPhones, Androids, 911 calls, webcams, and whatever else could be used to document the nightmare in Claridge. What follows is a nerve-shredding tale of a small town plunged into absolute terror.
Two million fish washed ashore. One thousand blackbirds dropped from the sky. On July 4, 2009 a deadly menace swept through the quaint seaside town of Claridge, Maryland, but the harrowing story of what happened that Independence Day has never been told—until now. The authorities believed they had buried the truth about the tragedy that claimed over 700 human lives. Now, three years later, a reporter has emerged with footage revealing the cover-up and an unimaginable killer: a mysterious parasitic outbreak. Told from the perspective of those who were there and saw what happened, The Bay unfolds over 24 hours through people's iPhones, Androids, 911 calls, webcams, and whatever else could be used to document the nightmare in Claridge. What follows is a nerve-shredding tale of a small town plunged into absolute terror.