The Big Boss - Kampf der Triaden
Corey YuenSchauspieler:
Takeshi Kaneshiro, Jessica Hsuan, Yuen Biao, Valerie Chow, Yuen Wah, Yuen Tak, Corey YuenAus dem armen Landleben ins glitzernde, von Reichtum und Verbrechen pulsierende Shanghai geflüchtet, beginnt für den jungen Ma schnell ein neues Leben. Er macht sich bald einen Namen, als er das Leben des Unterweltbosses Tam See rettet. Gemeinsam bekämpfen sie die korrupten Machenschaften des einflußreichen Yang, doch Ma muß sich entscheiden, bevor er sich unausweichlich immer tiefer in ein Netz aus Verbrechen und Lüge verstrickt. Den tödlichen Kampf vor Augen tritt Ma die Flucht nach vorn an - und wird zur Legende, zum Shanghai Hero!
Ma Wing Jing and his older brother Ma Tai Chueng arrive in Shanghai to make their fortune at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Be-friending a powerful mobster Wing Jing is given his nightclub in return for saving Tam Sei's life. Unfortunately, another Gangster wants the territory a well. Corruption and violence rule the streets as Wing Jing and Tam Sei must battle not only the rival gangs but the corrupt police officials as well.
Ma Wing Jing and his older brother Ma Tai Chueng arrive in Shanghai to make their fortune at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Be-friending a powerful mobster Wing Jing is given his nightclub in return for saving Tam Sei's life. Unfortunately, another Gangster wants the territory a well. Corruption and violence rule the streets as Wing Jing and Tam Sei must battle not only the rival gangs but the corrupt police officials as well.