The Blade - Das zerbrochene Schwert
Tsui HarkSchauspieler:
Vincent Zhao, Xiong Xin-Xin, Song Lei, Austin Wai, Moses Chan, Chung Bik-Ha, Valerie Chow, Michael Tse, Mama Hung, Chan Chi-Fai, Dickens Chan, Suet Nei, Jason ChuDer junge Li wächst nach dem Tod seines Vaters in der Obhut eines weithin berühmten Schwertschmiedemeisters auf, wo er nicht nur das dazugehörige Handwerk, sondern auch den sicheren Umgang mit der Waffe bis zur Perfektion erlernt. Als er schließlich erfährt, daß sein Vater von einem berüchtigten Räuberhauptmann ermordet wurde, macht er sich mit dem sagenumwobenen Familienschwert auf, dessen Tod zu rächen. Doch die Feinde locken Li in eine Falle…
Furioses Schwertkampfepos.
A young man adopted by a renowned swordsmith, discovers that his real father was killed by a powerful bandit called Lung. Leaving to seek revenge, he runs foul of a group of vicious desert scum, losing his right arm in the process. After being nursed back to health, he eventually learns to compensate for his loss and returns to confront the man who murdered his father.
A young man adopted by a renowned swordsmith, discovers that his real father was killed by a powerful bandit called Lung. Leaving to seek revenge, he runs foul of a group of vicious desert scum, losing his right arm in the process. After being nursed back to health, he eventually learns to compensate for his loss and returns to confront the man who murdered his father.