The Car - Der Teufel auf Rädern
Elliot SilversteinSchauspieler:
John Marley, James Brolin, R.G. Armstrong, Doris Dowling, Roy Jenson, Kyle Richards, Kathleen Lloyd, John Rubinstein, Elizabeth Thompson, Kim Richards, Kate Murtagh, Robert Phillips, Henry O'Brien, Eddie Little Sky, Lee McLaughlinIn einer Kleinstadt im Südwesten der USA taucht unverhofft eine schwarze Limousine auf und beginnt, wahllos Menschen zu überfahren. Was zunächst wie das Werk eines Amokfahrers aussieht, gewinnt an Brisanz, als sich die Aussagen häufen, dass der Wagen gar keinen Fahrer hat. Sheriff Wade Parent versucht verzweifelt, das mörderische Auto zu stoppen. Es entwickelt sich ein Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, an dem der intelligent agierende Wagen durchaus seine Freude zu haben scheint.
Sheriff James Brolin beim verzweifelten Versuch, einen mörderischen Teufelswagen zu stoppen.
Near the small desert town of Santa Ynez, a mysterious black car runs down two teenage bicyclers en route to camp, then it hit-and-runs a hitchhiker with local Amos Clements as witness. Sheriff Everett puts his men on alert and plants road blocks in the area to arrest the murderer, but soon he himself falls victim to the car. Sheriff Wade Parent leads the hunt for the vehicle that threatens their town and seems impossible to locate. When his beloved girlfriend, teacher Lauren Humphries, challenges the driver in a cemetery, the car hunts her in her home. Wade realizes he might be dealing with supernatural powers.
Near the small desert town of Santa Ynez, a mysterious black car runs down two teenage bicyclers en route to camp, then it hit-and-runs a hitchhiker with local Amos Clements as witness. Sheriff Everett puts his men on alert and plants road blocks in the area to arrest the murderer, but soon he himself falls victim to the car. Sheriff Wade Parent leads the hunt for the vehicle that threatens their town and seems impossible to locate. When his beloved girlfriend, teacher Lauren Humphries, challenges the driver in a cemetery, the car hunts her in her home. Wade realizes he might be dealing with supernatural powers.