The Child's Eye
Danny Pang, Oxide Chun PangSchauspieler:
Rainie Yang, Elanne Kwong, Jo Koo, Ciwi Lam, Izz Xu, Rex Ho, Shawn Yue, Gordon Lam Ka-TungDrei Pärchen aus Hongkong, darunter ein Geschwister- und zwei Liebespaare, machen gemeinsam Urlaub in der thailändischen Metropole Bangkok, als ausgerechnet am Tag ihre geplanten Abreise innenpolitische Unruhen die Fahrt zum Flughafen verhindern und die Gruppe zwingen, notgedrungen Obdach zu suchen in einer heruntergekommen Herberge am Rande der Stadt. Dort spukt der Geist einer jungen Frau und hat es, wie sich bald herausstellt, besonders auf die jungen Männer der Gruppe abgesehen.
Die Gebrüder Danny und Oxide Pang gingen einst von Hongkong nach Thailand, um mit stimmungsvollen Genrefilmen Regiestars von internationalem Rang zu werden. Mit dem Geisterfilm "Child's Eye" zitieren sie sich einmal mehr selbst, liefern aber zumindest den Gruselfans, wonach ihnen der Sinn steht. Hochglanzkino, handwerklich tadellos gewirkt, randvoll mit schleichend aus dem Schatten operierenden Geisterhaus-Schrecken. Vorhersehbar und nicht so überragend wie etwa "The Eye", aber stimmungs- und effektvoll sowie überzeugend gespielt.
Bangkok, November 2008. Six young holidaymakers from Hong Kong are stranded in Bangkok when the airport is occupied by demonstrators demanding the prime minister's resignation: Rainie (Rainie Yang) and Lok (Shawn Yue), who are on the verge of breaking up, Ling (Elanne Kwong) and her brother Rex (Rex Ho), and Ciwi (Ciwi Lam) and her boyfriend Hei (Izz Xu). Their driver takes them to the old Chung Tai Hotel, run by Chuen (Lam Ka-tung), where strange things start happening as soon as they arrive: Rainie sees a female ghost and Ling a disembodied hand. At dinner that night, the three men mysteriously disappear. Under Rainie's leadership, the three girls - helped by the young Man-man and her ghost-seeing dog Little Huang - set out to try and find them in the hotel's underground passages, in between being haunted by the female ghost and a strange monster.
Bangkok, November 2008. Six young holidaymakers from Hong Kong are stranded in Bangkok when the airport is occupied by demonstrators demanding the prime minister's resignation: Rainie (Rainie Yang) and Lok (Shawn Yue), who are on the verge of breaking up, Ling (Elanne Kwong) and her brother Rex (Rex Ho), and Ciwi (Ciwi Lam) and her boyfriend Hei (Izz Xu). Their driver takes them to the old Chung Tai Hotel, run by Chuen (Lam Ka-tung), where strange things start happening as soon as they arrive: Rainie sees a female ghost and Ling a disembodied hand. At dinner that night, the three men mysteriously disappear. Under Rainie's leadership, the three girls - helped by the young Man-man and her ghost-seeing dog Little Huang - set out to try and find them in the hotel's underground passages, in between being haunted by the female ghost and a strange monster.