The Cold Hour
Elio QuirogaSchauspieler:
Silke, Omar Muñoz, Pepo Oliva, Carola Manzanares, Jorge Casalduero, Julio Perillán, Sergio Villanueva, Pablo Scola, Nadia de Santiago, Marco GonzálezEine Gruppe von neun Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters und Geschlechts lebt nach einem verheerenden Krieg von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten in einem unterirdischen, bunkerähnlichen Gebäudekomplex. Die Bewohner können ihren Zufluchtsort nicht verlassen, da gleich zwei unterschiedliche, gefährliche Wesen nach ihrem Leben trachten: Von einem hochgradig ansteckenden Virus infizierte, zombieähnliche Kriegsopfer sowie mysteriöse, immateriell erscheinende Wesen, die von Wärme angezogen werden, weshalb man immer wieder Strom und Heizung drosselt und dadurch die titelgebende „kalte Stunde“ erzeugt. Doch als die Nahrungs- und Medizinvorräte zu Neige gehen, muss man den Komplex verlassen – und sieht sich prompt den lauernden Gefahren ausgesetzt. Verlustreiche Gefechte nehmen ihren Lauf…
The eight years boy Jesús has been living in a crumbling underground facility since he was born with eight survivors of an apocalyptical war: the leader Maria and her lover Pablo; the gays Lucas and Mateo; the astronomer Magdalena and the teenager Ana; the soldier Pedro and the lonely Judas. They are permanently is state of surveillance, threatened by the contaminated mutants The Strangers and once a day they have to lock themselves in their rooms without heating to protect against the dangerous ghosts The Invisibles that attack in the Cold Hour. They cannot go to the surface, destroyed by a nuclear war. When they need supplies, medications and ammunitions, they organize expeditions to a store. When the menace of The Invisibles affects the safety of the group of survivors, they need to reach the surface. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The eight years boy Jesús has been living in a crumbling underground facility since he was born with eight survivors of an apocalyptical war: the leader Maria and her lover Pablo; the gays Lucas and Mateo; the astronomer Magdalena and the teenager Ana; the soldier Pedro and the lonely Judas. They are permanently is state of surveillance, threatened by the contaminated mutants The Strangers and once a day they have to lock themselves in their rooms without heating to protect against the dangerous ghosts The Invisibles that attack in the Cold Hour. They cannot go to the surface, destroyed by a nuclear war. When they need supplies, medications and ammunitions, they organize expeditions to a store. When the menace of The Invisibles affects the safety of the group of survivors, they need to reach the surface. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil