The Gathering
Brian GilbertSchauspieler:
Christina Ricci, Ioan Gruffudd, Stephen Dillane, Kerry Fox, Robert Hardy, Simon Russell Beale, Harry Forrester, Jessica Mann, Peter McNamara, Peter Wight, Siobhan Hewlett, Oliver Chris, David J. Curtis, Mark Bagnall, Mackenzie Crook, Anatol YusefAuf ihrem Weg durch die englische Provinz verliert Rucksacktouristin Cassie (Christina Ricci) bei einem schweren Unfall das Gedächtnis. Zwar kümmert sich eine ebenfalls am Unfall beteiligte Familie zunächst fürsorglich um das Opfer, doch stellen sich bei Cassie bald unschöne Halluzinationen und handfeste Paranoia ein. Könnte diese unangenehme Entwicklung etwas mit einer zeitgleich in der Nähe entdeckten Kirche aus der frühchristlichen Antike zu tun haben? Cassie forscht nach und gerät in Turbulenzen.
In bester Tradition von Genreperlen wie "Final Destination" oder "The Wicker Man" serviert Brian Gilbert ("Oscar Wilde") eine mythendurchtränkte Gruselstory der leise-bedrohlichen Art.
Cassie Grant (Christina Ricci) is a young girl from the United States who is wandering through England on foot. On her way to Ashby Wake Cassie is hit by a car. The driver of the car, Mrs Marion Kirkman (Kerry Fox), immediately calls an ambulance. During an examination at the local hospital the doctor comes to the conclusion that Cassie only has some scratches and not even a concussion, but Cassie has lost her memory due to the accident. She only knows her name and mother country, but she does not know which town she comes from, who her family is and why she is in England.
Cassie Grant (Christina Ricci) is a young girl from the United States who is wandering through England on foot. On her way to Ashby Wake Cassie is hit by a car. The driver of the car, Mrs Marion Kirkman (Kerry Fox), immediately calls an ambulance. During an examination at the local hospital the doctor comes to the conclusion that Cassie only has some scratches and not even a concussion, but Cassie has lost her memory due to the accident. She only knows her name and mother country, but she does not know which town she comes from, who her family is and why she is in England.