The Infernal Machine: Gefährliche Vergangenheit
Andrew HuntSchauspieler:
Guy Pearce, Alice Eve, Jeremy Davies, Alex Pettyfer, Iris Cayatte, Rachel De Fontes, Ana Lopes, Georgia Goodman, Bella Alexandras, Gary Anthony Stennette, Ben Temple, Oliver Ritchie, Maria de Sá, Paula Lobo Antunes, Rocco Salata, Joel AbadalDer zurückgezogen lebende und umstrittene Autor Bruce Cogburn (Guy Pearce) wird von einem besessenen Fan aus seinem Versteck gelockt und gezwungen, sich mit seiner Vergangenheit auseinanderzusetzen, der er zu entkommen glaubte, und Rechenschaft über die Ereignisse abzulegen, die sein Bestseller Jahrzehnte zuvor in Gang gesetzt hat. Cogburns Suche nach den Hintermännern der Manipulationen und seelischen Qualen, führt zu einer emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt voller Angst und Gefahr, bei der die Dinge nicht immer so klar sind, wie sie zu sein scheinen, und bei der vergangene Taten schreckliche Folgen haben können.
Reclusive and controversial author Bruce Cogburn is drawn out of hiding by an obsessive fan, forcing the novelist to confront a past that he thought he could escape, and to account for events set in motion by his bestseller decades earlier. Cogburn's search for who is behind the manipulation and mental torment he encounters leads to an emotional roller-coaster ride full of fear and danger, where things are not always as clear as they seem to be, and where past deeds can have dire consequences.
Reclusive and controversial author Bruce Cogburn is drawn out of hiding by an obsessive fan, forcing the novelist to confront a past that he thought he could escape, and to account for events set in motion by his bestseller decades earlier. Cogburn's search for who is behind the manipulation and mental torment he encounters leads to an emotional roller-coaster ride full of fear and danger, where things are not always as clear as they seem to be, and where past deeds can have dire consequences.