The Key - Der Schlüssel
Tinto BrassSchauspieler:
Stefania Sandrelli, Franco Branciaroli, Frank Finlay, Barbara Cupisti, Maria Grazia Bon, Gino Cavalieri, Piero Bortoluzzi, Irma Veithen, Milly Corinaldi, Giovanni Michelagnoli, Armando Marra, Eolo Capritti, Maria Pia Colonnello, Edgardo Fugagnoli, Luciano Gasper, Osiride PevarelloVenedig im Jahre 1940. Nino fühlt, dass er wegen seines Alters und einer sehr schweren Krankheit seine viel jüngere Frau Teresa nicht mehr befriedigen kann, so wie sie es sich wünscht. Aus diesem Grund schreibt er in sein Tagebuch, dass er heimlich hofft, der Verlobte ihrer Tochter Lisa könnte seine Frau glücklich machen. Den Schlüssel zur Schublade, die das Tagebuch enthält, lässt Nino so liegen, dass seine Frau ihn zufällig finden muss. Der Plan scheint genial, denn es beginnt eine Zeit voller spannender erotischer Spiele.
After twenty years of marriage, art professor Nino Rolfe attempts to break down his wife Teresa's conventional modesty. Noticing her affection for their daughter's fiancé, Nino instigates her sexual interest in him as well. This sets off a chain of unexpected events and emotional complications, as Nino and his unpredictable fascist daughter find that they both enjoy being jealous.
After twenty years of marriage, art professor Nino Rolfe attempts to break down his wife Teresa's conventional modesty. Noticing her affection for their daughter's fiancé, Nino instigates her sexual interest in him as well. This sets off a chain of unexpected events and emotional complications, as Nino and his unpredictable fascist daughter find that they both enjoy being jealous.