The Kindness of Strangers: Kleine Wunder unter Fremden
Lone ScherfigSchauspieler:
Bill Nighy, Zoe Kazan, Andrea Riseborough, Caleb Landry Jones, Jay Baruchel, Tahar Rahim, David Dencik, Daniel Kash, Patricia McKenzie, Nicolaj Kopernikus, Kim Roberts, Martin Buch, Paloma Nunez, Esben Smed, Lisa Codrington, Jack FultonÜberhastet flieht Clara mit ihren zwei Söhnen der Gewalt ihres Ehemanns und taucht mit ihnen in New York unter, nahezu mittellos und ohne Bekannte. Als im Big Apple auch noch ihr Auto abgeschleppt wird, sind sie völlig auf sich allein gestellt. Anstatt aber ohne Sicherheitsnetz abzustürzen, werden sie von der Schwester Alice gütig aufgenommen. Als Clara in einem russischen Restaurant auch noch den ehemaligen Sträfling Marc kennenlernt, scheint ein Neuanfang in einem neuen sozialen Gefüge möglich.
Drama über gestrandete Seelen in New York, die durch Mitgefühl neue Lebensenergie tanken
Clara and her two sons escape from her abusive husband with little more than their car and plan to start over in New York. After the car towed away, the family meets Alice, who gets them into an emergency shelter. While stealing food at a Russian restaurant called ‘Winter Palace’, Clara meets Marc, who has been given the chance to help the old eatery regain its former glory. The ‘Winter Palace’ soon becomes a place of unexpected encounters between people who are all undergoing some sort of crisis and whom fate has now brought together.
Clara and her two sons escape from her abusive husband with little more than their car and plan to start over in New York. After the car towed away, the family meets Alice, who gets them into an emergency shelter. While stealing food at a Russian restaurant called ‘Winter Palace’, Clara meets Marc, who has been given the chance to help the old eatery regain its former glory. The ‘Winter Palace’ soon becomes a place of unexpected encounters between people who are all undergoing some sort of crisis and whom fate has now brought together.