The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die
Edward BazalgetteSchauspieler:
Alexander Dreymon, Mark Rowley, Arnas Fedaravicius, Harry Gilby, Rod Hallett, Ross Anderson, Tom Christian, Nicholas Wittman, Zak Sutcliffe, Ingrid García Jonsson, Farnam Pakdel, Alexandra TóthNach König Edwards Tod streift Uhtred von Bebbanburg mit seinen Kameraden in der Hoffnung, England endlich zu vereinen, durch ein zerstückeltes Königreich.
In the wake of King Edward's death, Uhtred of Bebbanburg and his comrades adventure across a fractured kingdom in the hopes of uniting England at last.
In the wake of King Edward's death, Uhtred of Bebbanburg and his comrades adventure across a fractured kingdom in the hopes of uniting England at last.