The Last Stand
Jee-woon KimSchauspieler:
Forest Whitaker, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo SantoroSheriff Ray Owens, einst ein knallharter Cop aus Los Angeles, hat es in eine verschlafene Kleinstadt an der Grenze zu Mexiko verschlagen. Schon bald wird seine geballte Erfahrung gefordert, denn einem gewieften Drogengangster ist in Las Vegas die Flucht aus einem schwer bewachten Gefangenenkonvoi gelungen und er rast direkt auf Owens Bezirk zu - begleitet von seinen Spießgesellen. Owens will ihn keinesfalls über die Grenze lassen – auch wenn ihm nur ein kleines Grüppchen von Laien und Chaoten zur Seite steht.
Ray Owens is sheriff of the quiet US border town of Sommerton Junction after leaving the LAPD following a bungled operation. Following his escape from the FBI, a notorious drug baron, his gang, and a hostage are heading toward Sommerton Junction where the police are preparing to make a last stand to intercept them before they cross the border. Owens is reluctant to become involved but ultimately joins in with the law enforcement efforts
Ray Owens is sheriff of the quiet US border town of Sommerton Junction after leaving the LAPD following a bungled operation. Following his escape from the FBI, a notorious drug baron, his gang, and a hostage are heading toward Sommerton Junction where the police are preparing to make a last stand to intercept them before they cross the border. Owens is reluctant to become involved but ultimately joins in with the law enforcement efforts