The Marksman - Der Scharfschütze
Robert LorenzSchauspieler:
Liam Neeson, Katheryn Winnick, Teresa Ruiz, Juan Pablo Raba, Dylan Kenin, Luce Rains, Chase Mullins, Christopher Mele, Grayson Berry, David DeLao, Esodie Geiger, Gonzalo Robles, Jacob Perez, Kellen Boyle, Sean A. Rosales, Elias GallegosDer in die Jahre gekommener Vietnamveteran Jim (Liam Neeson) hat eine neue Aufgabe. Er soll sich um einen Jungen kümmern, der auf die schiefe Bahn geraten ist und vor den skrupellosen Machenschaften eines Kartells flüchtet.
Jim Hanson’s quiet life is suddenly disturbed by two people crossing the US/Mexico border – a woman and her young son – desperate to flee a Mexican cartel. After a shootout leaves the mother dead, Jim becomes the boy’s reluctant defender. He embraces his role as Miguel’s protector and will stop at nothing to get him to safety, as they go on the run from the relentless assassins. Stars...Liam Neeson
Jim Hanson’s quiet life is suddenly disturbed by two people crossing the US/Mexico border – a woman and her young son – desperate to flee a Mexican cartel. After a shootout leaves the mother dead, Jim becomes the boy’s reluctant defender. He embraces his role as Miguel’s protector and will stop at nothing to get him to safety, as they go on the run from the relentless assassins. Stars...Liam Neeson