The Mother of Tears
Dario ArgentoSchauspieler:
Udo Kier, Asia Argento, Moran Atias, Daria Nicolodi, Cristian Solimeno, Massimo Sarchielli, Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni, Philippe Leroy, Clive Riche, Valéria Cavalli, Adam James, Robert Madison, Jun Ichikawa, Tommaso Banfi, Paolo StellaAuf Sizilien wird ein mit allerhand okkultem Zierat versehener Sarg geborgen und zur näheren Untersuchung an die Universität von Rom gesandt. Dort entspringen dem Artefakt Dämonen und richten ein Blutbad an, dem allein die junge Archäologin Sarah wie durch Zauberhand entkommt. In der Folgezeit kommt es zu scheinbar unmotivierten Gewalttaten in der Stadt, als deren Urheber Sarah eine böse Hexe ausmacht. Selbst Nachfahrin einer guten Hexe, nimmt Sarah den Kampf mit Mater Lacrimarum auf.
An ancient urn is found in a cemetery outside Rome. Once opened, it triggers a series of violent incidents: robberies, rapes and murders increase dramatically, while several mysterious, evil-looking young women coming from all over the world are gathering in the city. All these events are caused by the return of Mater Lacrimarum, the last of three powerful witches who have been spreading terror and death for centuries. Alone against an army of psychos and demons, Sarah Mandy, an art student who seems to have supernatural abilities of her own, is the only person left to prevent the Mother of Tears from destroying Rome.
An ancient urn is found in a cemetery outside Rome. Once opened, it triggers a series of violent incidents: robberies, rapes and murders increase dramatically, while several mysterious, evil-looking young women coming from all over the world are gathering in the city. All these events are caused by the return of Mater Lacrimarum, the last of three powerful witches who have been spreading terror and death for centuries. Alone against an army of psychos and demons, Sarah Mandy, an art student who seems to have supernatural abilities of her own, is the only person left to prevent the Mother of Tears from destroying Rome.