The Neon Demon
Nicolas Winding RefnSchauspieler:
Keanu Reeves, Jena Malone, Elle Fanning, Abbey Lee, Christina Hendricks, Karl Glusman, Bella Heathcote, Rebecca Dayan, Desmond Harrington, Charles Baker, Jamie Clayton, Stacey Danger, Helen Wilson, Houda Shretah, Taylor Marie HillJesse, bildhübsch, lebensfroh und ehrgeizig, zieht nach Los Angeles, um dort als Model Karriere zu machen. Bald trifft sie in der "Stadt der Engel" auf eine Gruppe von Frauen, die von Schönheit und der Gier nach Ruhm geradezu besessen sind. Sie stellt fest, dass in dem Geschäft, in dem ausschließlich das Aussehen zählt, Neid, Missgunst und Hass regieren. Nur wenige schaffen den Durchbruch, entsprechend sind alle Mittel erlaubt, um die Konkurrentinnen auf dem Weg ganz nach oben auszustechen.
Nach "Drive" der zweite Hollywood-Ausflug von Nicolas Winding Refn. Meisterwerk oder meisterlicher Murks - die Geister werden sich scheiden.
The sixteen year-old aspiring model Jesse arrives in Los Angeles expecting to be a successful model. The aspirant photographer Dean takes photos for her portfolio and dates her. Jesse befriends the lesbian makeup artist Ruby and then the envious models Gigi and Sarah in a party. Meanwhile the agency considers Jesse beautiful with a "thing" that makes her different and she is sent to the professional photographer Jack. Jesse attracts he attention of the industry and has a successful beginning of career. But Ruby, Gigi and Sarah are capable to do anything to get her "thing".
The sixteen year-old aspiring model Jesse arrives in Los Angeles expecting to be a successful model. The aspirant photographer Dean takes photos for her portfolio and dates her. Jesse befriends the lesbian makeup artist Ruby and then the envious models Gigi and Sarah in a party. Meanwhile the agency considers Jesse beautiful with a "thing" that makes her different and she is sent to the professional photographer Jack. Jesse attracts he attention of the industry and has a successful beginning of career. But Ruby, Gigi and Sarah are capable to do anything to get her "thing".