The Prophet
Fred Olen RaySchauspieler:
Don Wilson, Barbara Steele, Arthur Roberts, Robert Quarry, Richard Gabai, Ric Drasin, Ted Monte, Dane Farwell, Ken Fritz, Rick McCallum, Fred Olen Ray, Alexander Keith, Paul Michael Robinson, Rick Dean, Jenna Bodnar, Sid ShamGerald Maddox, Elite-Agent einer ebensolchen Bundeseinheit, leidet unter traumatischen Anwandlungen, in denen er scheinbar Geschehnisse aus der näheren Zukunft vorhersieht. Als er nach einem Nahtod-Erlebnis der Sache auf den Grund gehen möchte, stirbt ausnahmslos jeder Gesprächspartner, den er nach seiner mysteriösen Begabung befragt, kurze Zeit später eines gewaltsamen Todes. Dennoch findet Maddox heraus, daß er als Kind Teil eines Geheimexperiments der Regierung war. Nun ist sein Leben keinen Pfifferling mehr wert.
Kein allzu großer Wurf, aber der Actionfan greift zu.
Martial arts star Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars in this action/suspense story. A child is recruited to take part in a secret government experiment which results in him being able to see into the future. Years later, the child is an adult and is working for the government; his latest assignment is to find the other people who were part of the same project. Before long, he discovers the other test subjects usually pop up murdered shortly before he can talk to them, and he realizes he may well be the next target. Horror film legend Barbara Steele highlights the supporting cast; cult figure Fred Olen Ray directed. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
Martial arts star Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars in this action/suspense story. A child is recruited to take part in a secret government experiment which results in him being able to see into the future. Years later, the child is an adult and is working for the government; his latest assignment is to find the other people who were part of the same project. Before long, he discovers the other test subjects usually pop up murdered shortly before he can talk to them, and he realizes he may well be the next target. Horror film legend Barbara Steele highlights the supporting cast; cult figure Fred Olen Ray directed. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi