The Protégé - Made for Revenge
Martin CampbellSchauspieler:
Michael Keaton, Maggie Q, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Patrick, Patrick Malahide, Ekaterina Baker, Madalina Anea, Ori Pfeffer, Jack Derges, Lili Rich, Florin Piersic Jr., Caroline Loncq, Gamba Cole, Velizar Binev, Florin ZhangUnter den Auftragskillern gilt Moody als Legende. Einst rettete er dem Mädchen Anna das Leben. Er nahm sie bei sich auf und bildete sie aus, reichte die Staffel an sie weiter. Längst kann dieser Hitwoman keiner mehr das Wasser reichen. Die engen Bande zu Moody sind geblieben. Als er ermordet wird, wendet sich Anna an einen weiteren Auftragskiller, den undurchschaubaren Rembrandt. Ob sie ihm wirklich trauen kann, muss sich erst noch zeigen.
Stargespickter Actionthriller des zweifachen Bond-Regisseurs Martin Campbell.
Rescued as a child by the legendary assassin Moody and trained in the family business, Anna is the world’s most skilled contract killer. When Moody, the man who was like a father to her and taught her everything she needs to know about trust and survival, is brutally killed, Anna vows revenge. As she becomes entangled with an enigmatic killer whose attraction to her goes way beyond cat and mouse, their confrontation turns deadly and the loose ends of a life spent killing will weave themselves ever tighter.
Rescued as a child by the legendary assassin Moody and trained in the family business, Anna is the world’s most skilled contract killer. When Moody, the man who was like a father to her and taught her everything she needs to know about trust and survival, is brutally killed, Anna vows revenge. As she becomes entangled with an enigmatic killer whose attraction to her goes way beyond cat and mouse, their confrontation turns deadly and the loose ends of a life spent killing will weave themselves ever tighter.