The Pumpkin Karver
Robert MannSchauspieler:
Amy Weber, Michael Zara, Minka Kelly, Terrence Evans, David Austin, Brian Kary, Bryan Jamerson, David J. Wright, Jonathan Conrad, Jared Show, Mistie Adams, Charity Shea, Briana Gerber, Alex Weed, David Phillips, Amy CowiesonIn vermeintlicher Notwehr tötet Teenager Jonathan den rüpelhaften Liebhaber seiner Schwester Lynn, als dieser ihr im Halloweenkostüm einen üblen Streich spielt. Ziemlich genau ein Jahr und eine weitgehend vergebliche Psychotherapie später ziehen die Geschwister mit ihren Eltern in eine ländliche Dorfgemeinde, wo die Vorbereitungen zu einer rauschenden Halloweenparty bereits auf Hochtouren laufen. Bald kommt es zu Todesfällen, deren Handschrift Jonathan merkwürdig vertraut vorkommt.
A feature film based on a story in which a young man is stabbed to death on the evening of October 31, 2003. One year later, at a Halloween party, six people were brutally butchered in a remote location. The victims faces were carved and mutilated beyond recognition. The crime is still unsolved and is currently under investigation. Written by Robert Mann (Writer/Director)
A feature film based on a story in which a young man is stabbed to death on the evening of October 31, 2003. One year later, at a Halloween party, six people were brutally butchered in a remote location. The victims faces were carved and mutilated beyond recognition. The crime is still unsolved and is currently under investigation. Written by Robert Mann (Writer/Director)