The Puppetman
Brandon ChristensenSchauspieler:
Alyson Gorske, Angel Prater, Kio Cyr, Cameron Wong, Anna Telfer, Caryn Richman, Jayson Therrien, Zachary Le Vey, Michael Paré, Kathryn Schneider, Sean C. Sanders, Natalie Meetze, Curtis Arney, Carmella Visconte, John Lizzi, Henry ZebrowskiDie Studentin Michal ist die Tochter des verurteilten Serienkillers David, genannt „Puppetman“, der stetsseine Unschuld beteuerte, weil er bei seinen Taten unter der Kontrolle einer bösen Macht gestanden habe. Als sich plötzlich die Todesfällein Michals Umfeld häufen, ahnt sie, dass der Fluch des „Puppetman“ noch nicht gebrochen ist.
Ein stimmungsvoller und atmosphärischer Film mit einigen denkwürdigen und aufrüttelnden Morden.
The Puppetman, a convicted killer on death row always maintained his innocence saying that it was an evil force controlling his body as he slaughtered his victims. Now Michal, the killer's daughter, begins to suspect that there may be some truth to her father's claim when those around her begin to die in brutal ways. She must try and break the curse of The Puppetman before all her loved ones are killed.
The Puppetman, a convicted killer on death row always maintained his innocence saying that it was an evil force controlling his body as he slaughtered his victims. Now Michal, the killer's daughter, begins to suspect that there may be some truth to her father's claim when those around her begin to die in brutal ways. She must try and break the curse of The Puppetman before all her loved ones are killed.