The Remaining
Casey La ScalaSchauspieler:
Alexa PenaVega, Johnny Pacar, Shaun Sipos, Bryan Dechart, Italia Ricci, Liz E. Morgan, John Pyper-Ferguson, Kim Pacheco, Hayley LovittDanny und Skylar wollen heiraten, Familie und Freunde sind aus diesem Grunde angereist ins noble Hotel in Los Angeles, wo statt einer kirchlichen die bürgerliche Trauung stattfinden soll. Plötzlich jedoch erschallen beunruhigende Geräusche, bebt der Boden unter ihren Füßen, fällt ein gutes Drittel der Anwesenden von einem Moment auf den anderen tot um. Ist es nur das große Beben, vor dem alle warnen, oder hat der Priester recht, der behauptet, so und nicht anders sähe das in der Offenbarung des Johannes prophezeite Ende der Welt aus?
Hollywood ist auf die Faith-based-Movies gekommen, Unterhaltungsfilme für die christliche Mehrheit zwischen den sündigen Küstenstreifen, damit muss doch Geld zu verdienen sein. Besonders, wenn man die frohe Botschaft in so ein professionelles Katastrophenszenario reinpackt und alle Register zieht, die praktisch auch ein "Cloverfield" zur Anwendung bringt, inklusive Found-Footage. Glaub lieber an Gott, sonst bringt er dich um, lautet die Message des gruseligen Treibens.
It’s the day the Earth exploded as trumpets blow and the wrath of God unleashes the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The first of a series of religious-slanted horror movies aimed at devout audiences, THE REMAINING is a surprisingly effective disaster shocker based on the Book of Revelations, produced by the makers of DONNIE DARKO and URBAN LEGEND. When a group of close-knit friends assemble for the marriage of Skylar and Dan, they have no idea they will witness The Rapture and face a series of catastrophic events turning the celebration into a life-or-death struggle. Scrambling for sanctuary and self-preservation while an army of nocturnal creatures they never knew existed unleashes epic destruction, they must understand what is happening around them, and why, to find a way to survive together in a new world order. Witness the birth of a new genre: horror containing spiritually rich content with faith-based appeal.
It’s the day the Earth exploded as trumpets blow and the wrath of God unleashes the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The first of a series of religious-slanted horror movies aimed at devout audiences, THE REMAINING is a surprisingly effective disaster shocker based on the Book of Revelations, produced by the makers of DONNIE DARKO and URBAN LEGEND. When a group of close-knit friends assemble for the marriage of Skylar and Dan, they have no idea they will witness The Rapture and face a series of catastrophic events turning the celebration into a life-or-death struggle. Scrambling for sanctuary and self-preservation while an army of nocturnal creatures they never knew existed unleashes epic destruction, they must understand what is happening around them, and why, to find a way to survive together in a new world order. Witness the birth of a new genre: horror containing spiritually rich content with faith-based appeal.