The Rockville Slayer
Marc SelzSchauspieler:
Joe Estevez, Richard Strobel, Robert Z'Dar, Amy Brown, Nikki Taylor Melton, Linnea Quigley, Circus-Szalewski, Nicole Buehrer, Michael Kessler, Bob Farster, Ellie Weingardt, Mike Markoff, Cameron Benzie, Joe Morowitz, Holly Ilyne Sari, Megan Lynn StoudtNachdem in Rockville vier Footballfans ermordet werden, geht die Angst in dem verschlafenen Städchen um. Denn aus einer nah gelegenen Psychatrie ist eine Patientin ausgebrochen, die nun anscheinend Rache nehmen will. Doch schon bald wird sie geschnappt und das Morden geht weiter. Wer ist der msyteriöse Killer und was sind seine Motive. Detective Amy Rodgers geht der Sache auf den Grund...
A series of small-town murders with no apparent connection leads two detectives towards a horrific discovery in this terrifying tale starring Linnea Quigley, Robert Z'Dar and Joe Estevez, and directed by Marc Selz. When two young couples are viciously murdered in the small town of Rockville, the police are baffled and the citizens are terrified. Now, as the body count continues to mount and police investigation hits a standstill, it's up to two detectives to find the missing link and bring the murderous madman to justice
A series of small-town murders with no apparent connection leads two detectives towards a horrific discovery in this terrifying tale starring Linnea Quigley, Robert Z'Dar and Joe Estevez, and directed by Marc Selz. When two young couples are viciously murdered in the small town of Rockville, the police are baffled and the citizens are terrified. Now, as the body count continues to mount and police investigation hits a standstill, it's up to two detectives to find the missing link and bring the murderous madman to justice