The Terror - Schloss des Schreckens
Roger Corman, Francis Ford Coppola, Jack Hale, Monte Hellman, Jack HillSchauspieler:
Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Sandra Knight, Dick Miller, Dorothy Neumann, Jonathan HazeAndré ist ein napoleonischer Offizier. Eines Tages verliebt er sich an der baltischen Küste in das schöne Mädchen Ilsa. Kurze Zeit später ist sie spurlos verschwunden. Was André nicht kennt, ist die düstere Geschichte seiner vermeintlich großen Liebe.
Lieutenant Andre Duvalier has been accidentally separated from his regiment. He is wandering near the coast when he sees a young woman. He asks the road to Coldon, where he hopes to rejoin his regiment. But the woman doesn't answer, doesn't even greet him and walks away. Eventually she takes him to the sea, where she disappears in rough water. How can he save the mysterious girl?
Lieutenant Andre Duvalier has been accidentally separated from his regiment. He is wandering near the coast when he sees a young woman. He asks the road to Coldon, where he hopes to rejoin his regiment. But the woman doesn't answer, doesn't even greet him and walks away. Eventually she takes him to the sea, where she disappears in rough water. How can he save the mysterious girl?