The Vector File
Eliot ChristopherSchauspieler:
Casper Van Dien, Catherine Oxenberg, Timothy Balme, Katherine Kennard, George Henare, India Oxenberg, William Wallace, Chic Littlewood, Paul Norell, Roz Turnbull, Noel Appleby, Bruce Hopkins, Laurie Foel, Stephen Hall, David Stott, Craig HallMit letzter Kraft sendet ein todgeweihter russischer Forscher den genetischen Bauplan für ein Horrorvirus an den Computer des just in der Scheidungskrise befindlichen Geologen Gerry Anderson. Durch eine Verkettung widriger Umstände landet der Ausdruck aber nicht in Andersons Händen, sondern im Schulranzen seiner Tochter. Als Anderson sich bald darauf von Agenten, Gangstern und Meuchelmördern verfolgt sieht, glaubt alle Welt von der Ex-Frau bis zum Detective, er sei paranoid oder gar kriminell.
Erschreckend aktueller Thriller um Terroristen, Geheimdienste und tödliche Viren.
A geo-political thriller where Gerry Anderson finds that sometimes, everybody really is out to get you. Gerry's daughter, Mattie, accidentally prints out a DNA code that in the wrong hands can end the human race. The chase is on - the Russians, whose DNA code it is that Mattie has in her backpack, and a group of terrorists compete to get the code from the person they all assume has it, Gerry. With all this going on, Gerry's estranged wife Margaret is worried for her daughter's safety and finds herself another target in the race to find the code.
A geo-political thriller where Gerry Anderson finds that sometimes, everybody really is out to get you. Gerry's daughter, Mattie, accidentally prints out a DNA code that in the wrong hands can end the human race. The chase is on - the Russians, whose DNA code it is that Mattie has in her backpack, and a group of terrorists compete to get the code from the person they all assume has it, Gerry. With all this going on, Gerry's estranged wife Margaret is worried for her daughter's safety and finds herself another target in the race to find the code.