The Watcher
Joe CharbanicSchauspieler:
James Spader, Keanu Reeves, Marisa Tomei, Ernie Hudson, Chris Ellis, Robert Cicchini, Yvonne Niami, Jenny McShane, Gina Alexander, Rebekah Louise Smith, Joseph Sikora, Jill Peterson, Michele DiMaso, Andrew Rothenberg, David PasquesiFBI-Agent Joe Campbell hat sich bei der vergeblichen Jagd auf einen Serienmörder Gesundheit und Seelenheil ruiniert, weshalb er um seine Versetzung von L.A. nach Chicago bittet, wo er sich in die Therapie der schönen Psychiaterin Polly begibt. Seine alte Nemesis lässt ihrem Lieblingsfahnder derweil auch am Lake Michigan keine Ruh und bombardiert Campbell unverdrossen mit Nachrichten von bzw. Hinweisen auf neuerliche Untaten. Als schließlich Polly ins Visier des Psychos rückt, sieht sich Campbell zum verzweifelten Befreiungsschlag genötigt.
FBI agent Joel Campbell, burnt-out and shell-shocked after years spent chasing serial killers, flees L.A. to begin a new life for himself in Chicago. But five months later, Joel's best laid plans are abruptly cut short when his new hometown becomes the setting for some particularly gruesome murders--murders that could only have been committed by one man: David Allen Griffin. One of Joel's most elusive and cunning nemeses, Griffin has followed his former pursuer to Chicago in order to play a sadistic game of cat and mouse. Taunting Joel with photographs of his intended victims and leaving his crime scenes meticulously free of clues in order to keep the police at bay, Griffin derives as much pleasure out of watching Joel react to every movement as watching his victims die. But when Griffin moves into Joel's inner circle, Joel must quickly find some way to stop him before someone close to him becomes the next one to die.
FBI agent Joel Campbell, burnt-out and shell-shocked after years spent chasing serial killers, flees L.A. to begin a new life for himself in Chicago. But five months later, Joel's best laid plans are abruptly cut short when his new hometown becomes the setting for some particularly gruesome murders--murders that could only have been committed by one man: David Allen Griffin. One of Joel's most elusive and cunning nemeses, Griffin has followed his former pursuer to Chicago in order to play a sadistic game of cat and mouse. Taunting Joel with photographs of his intended victims and leaving his crime scenes meticulously free of clues in order to keep the police at bay, Griffin derives as much pleasure out of watching Joel react to every movement as watching his victims die. But when Griffin moves into Joel's inner circle, Joel must quickly find some way to stop him before someone close to him becomes the next one to die.