The Way - Der Weg des Drachen
Vladimir PasichnikSchauspieler:
Oleg Taktarov, Valeriy Barinov, Michael Madsen, Pawel Delag, Mikhail Efremov, Dmitriy Nosov, Aleksey Orlov, Dmitriy Maksimov, Maksim Tynyanov, Ivan Kokorin, Artyom Mikhalkov, Vladimir Smirnov, Irina Chashchina, Aleksandr Yatsko, Alik Gulkhanov, Renat LayshevBeinahe wäre aus dem impulsiven jugendlichen Straftäter Aleks ein Mörder geworden, doch davor bewahrten die Aussage eines nunmehr toten besten Freundes und das gute Auge eines militärischen Ausbilders. So ging Aleks statt ins Gefängnis zur Sportkompanie und wurde zu einer der effektivsten Kampfmaschinen in Diensten von Mütterchen Russland. Nun soll Aleks mit drei Kameraden in einem waghalsigen Kommandounternehmen die Festung eines fernöstlichen Drogenzaren infiltrieren. Der aber wird gewarnt von einem Maulwurf in russischen Reihen.
Aleksey is an ordinary young man living in Russia during the 1990s. Like most of his contemporaries, he is looking for a way to survive. The easiest way is the way of crime. He joins a gang. Fortunately, his fate takes a sudden turn and he manages to find the right path. The film also addresses global terrorism, one of the most important and painful issues of today's world. The main characters of the film, together with their American colleagues, take part in a special operation to destroy a band of international terrorists and drug traffickers.
Aleksey is an ordinary young man living in Russia during the 1990s. Like most of his contemporaries, he is looking for a way to survive. The easiest way is the way of crime. He joins a gang. Fortunately, his fate takes a sudden turn and he manages to find the right path. The film also addresses global terrorism, one of the most important and painful issues of today's world. The main characters of the film, together with their American colleagues, take part in a special operation to destroy a band of international terrorists and drug traffickers.