The Way Home
Jeong-hyang LeeSchauspieler:
Yoo Seung-ho, Park Hyeon-soo, Dong Hyo-hee, Kim Eul-boon, Min Kyung-hyun, Yim Eun-kyungSang-Woos Mutter gibt ihren aufmüpfigen, manchmal durchaus anstrengenden, siebenjährigen Sprößling für einige Wochen in die Fürsorge seiner Großmutter, die er zum ersten Mal trifft. Weit ab von Seoul, wo sich seine Mutter derweil ungestört um einen neuen Job kümmern kann, muss Sang-woo lernen, dass es ein Leben jenseits von Game Boys und Kentucky Fried Chicken-Restaurants gibt. Zunächst behandelt er seine taubstumme, liebende Großmutter respektlos, doch ihre stoische Art, ihm ihre Liebe anzubieten, wird letzten Endes durch seine ganz eigene Art und Weise belohnt...
The story begins on a fine summers morning, when San-woo and his mother board a bus to the country. It is soon clear that the unsophisticated rural passengers annoy the seven-year-old urban boy. His mother is taking him to live with his 78-year-old mute, but not deaf, grandmother while she looks for a new job after a business venture failed in Seoul.
The story begins on a fine summers morning, when San-woo and his mother board a bus to the country. It is soon clear that the unsophisticated rural passengers annoy the seven-year-old urban boy. His mother is taking him to live with his 78-year-old mute, but not deaf, grandmother while she looks for a new job after a business venture failed in Seoul.