Kelly MakinSchauspieler:
Cynthia Rothrock, Nick Dibley, Fern Figueiredo, Jack VorvisDetective Masterson ist stahlhart und zielgenau was ihre Arbeit bei der New York Police angeht. Aber auf einmal benötigt sie dringend Hilfe von dem Undercover-Agent Terry, denn ein brutaler Killer terrorisiert die Stadt. Die Kampftechnik "Tigerkralle", die der Killer perfekt beherrscht, ist schneller und tödlicher als jede andere Kampftechnik. Detective Masterson und Terry schleichen sich lautlos in das Umfeld des Killers ein, um ihn endgültig dingfest zu machen.
The police does not know what to do. They have to deal with a serial killer who aims at martial arts masters. One after another is killed in the same brutal way. This may be a chance for detective Linda Masterson to work on her first murder case. She gets the job and to her side an other martial arts specialist, Sgt. Tarek Richards. Now they need to find a tiger style master, because the killer obviously uses tiger style kung fu. Not a simple task, since tiger is a very ancient and rare style.
The police does not know what to do. They have to deal with a serial killer who aims at martial arts masters. One after another is killed in the same brutal way. This may be a chance for detective Linda Masterson to work on her first murder case. She gets the job and to her side an other martial arts specialist, Sgt. Tarek Richards. Now they need to find a tiger style master, because the killer obviously uses tiger style kung fu. Not a simple task, since tiger is a very ancient and rare style.