Tischlein, deck dich
Jürgen von AltenSchauspieler:
Rolf Bollmann, Hans Elwenspoek, Louise Hinné, Margarete Henning-Roth, Erich Holder, Helmut Lieber, Rudolf Mumm, Alfons Teuber, Bobby Todd, Fritz WepperEin Schneider jagt der Reihe nach seine drei Söhne aus dem Haus, weil ihm seine Ziege glauben macht, von diesen vernachlässigt worden zu sein. Hans wird Tischler und bekommt nach Ablauf der Lehrzeit von seinem Meister ein Tischlein geschenkt, das die schönsten Speisen hervorzaubert. Michel wird Müller und erhält für seine Arbeit einen Esel, aus dem Goldstücke fallen. Als Hans und Michel von einem bösen Wirt und seiner Frau um Tischlein und Esel betrogen werden, tritt der dritte Bruder Klaus auf den Plan.
In schönen bunten Farben gehaltene Realverfilmung des berühmten Märchens, das von den Gebrüdern Grimm aufgeschrieben wurde. Wie das im Märchen nun mal so ist, sind Gut (die Brüder) und Böse (der Esel, der Wirt und seine Frau) klar getrennt, während zwischen beiden Extremen der von Bobby Todd verkörperte Schneider steht, der seiner Ziege mehr glaubt als seinen Söhnen. Als Sohn Michel, der mit dem Goldesel belohnt wird, ist der spätere Fernsehstar Fritz Wepper zu sehen.
Once upon a time, there had been a tailor who send his three sons out into the world, so that they might find fortune and learn something proper. The oldest went to a carpenter and was gifted a small table at the end of his apprenticeship. It set itself with all kinds of delicacies when ordered to. When he visits a hostelry, however, he gets cheated from the table by the innkeeper. The second son became the apprentice to a miller and received a donkey as a parting gift which could spew gold. But he as well got cheated out of the wages of his apprenticeship by the criminal innkeeper. The third son received from his lathe worker master conveniently a club as a parting gift. Spontaneously, he helps his brothers to their right and the thievish innkeeper experiences a bad surprise.
Once upon a time, there had been a tailor who send his three sons out into the world, so that they might find fortune and learn something proper. The oldest went to a carpenter and was gifted a small table at the end of his apprenticeship. It set itself with all kinds of delicacies when ordered to. When he visits a hostelry, however, he gets cheated from the table by the innkeeper. The second son became the apprentice to a miller and received a donkey as a parting gift which could spew gold. But he as well got cheated out of the wages of his apprenticeship by the criminal innkeeper. The third son received from his lathe worker master conveniently a club as a parting gift. Spontaneously, he helps his brothers to their right and the thievish innkeeper experiences a bad surprise.