Titeuf le film
Donald Reignoux, Maria Pacôme, Jean Rochefort, Zabou Breitman, Mélanie Bernier, Michael Lonsdale, Sam Karmann, Jean-Luc Couchard, Danièle Hazan, Nathalie HomsDer Film, basierend auf einer französischen Comicreihe und -figur gleichen Namens, dreht sich um den kleinen, zehn Jahre alten Titeuf, der schockiert ist, als er nicht zum Geburtstag seiner Angebeteten Nadia eingeladen wurde, alle anderen aus der Schule aber schon. Dies ist aber nicht das einzige Problem, mit dem der angehende Teenager zu kämpfen hat, denn bei Titeufs Eltern hängt außerdem der Haussegen schief. Zuerst aber muss er sich um das für ihn momentan größte Problem kümmern, und das ist es, irgendwie doch noch auf die Geburtstagsfeier Nadias zu gelangen.
Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake Titeuf, "Tootuff" in the English translation) and his vision of the adult world & themes such as love, sex, seduction and mysteries about the girls. In this film, Titeuf (Donald Reignoux) is off on a new comedic adventure! Things get complicated when Nadia (Melanie Bernier) doesn’t invite Titeuf to her birthday party, which is surely the most horrible moment of his life. Before long, Titeuf’s whole life is turned upside down when his parents are nearly deported. Everything continues to spiral out of control even in the midst of Titeuf’s exhaustive attempts to make matters right.
Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake Titeuf, "Tootuff" in the English translation) and his vision of the adult world & themes such as love, sex, seduction and mysteries about the girls. In this film, Titeuf (Donald Reignoux) is off on a new comedic adventure! Things get complicated when Nadia (Melanie Bernier) doesn’t invite Titeuf to her birthday party, which is surely the most horrible moment of his life. Before long, Titeuf’s whole life is turned upside down when his parents are nearly deported. Everything continues to spiral out of control even in the midst of Titeuf’s exhaustive attempts to make matters right.