Tokugawa - Womens Prison Torture
Toshiaki TaharaSchauspieler:
Masakazu Tamura, Maya Kitajima, Reiko Kasahara, Hiroko Sakurai, Yuki Aresa, Genshu Hanayagi, Kazuo Katô, Saburo Date, Hiroshi KondôDie Sutra-Insel - nichts weiter als ein Felsen in der Shiranui- See auf die in Ungnade gefallene Frauen und Männer der Magistrats Verwaltung gebracht werden. Korruption und Gewalt bestimmen den düsteren Alltag der Insel. Die Frauen haben besonders unter diesem Martyrium zu leiden, werden sie doch nach Absitzen ihrer Strafe an ausländische Schiffe als Liebessklavinnen verschachert. Als eines Tages der fast leblose Körper einer Ex-Insassin angespült wird nimmt das Verhängnis in Form der grauenvollen Beulenpest seinen FINALEN SHOWDOWN ...
Two women are ferried to a small prison colony on the remote and barren prison island, where they and their fellow inmates are forced to perform perilous slave labor along the island’s treacherous cliffs, overseen by both an unforgiving sun and a crew of abusive male wardens. Meanwhile, the arrival of a newcomer among the island’s administrators, a disgraced policeman who is also the son of Nagasaki’s governor, creates dissention between the officials that, along with an untimely outbreak of bubonic plague on the island, ultimately sets the stage for a daring escape attempt on the part of the prisoners.
Two women are ferried to a small prison colony on the remote and barren prison island, where they and their fellow inmates are forced to perform perilous slave labor along the island’s treacherous cliffs, overseen by both an unforgiving sun and a crew of abusive male wardens. Meanwhile, the arrival of a newcomer among the island’s administrators, a disgraced policeman who is also the son of Nagasaki’s governor, creates dissention between the officials that, along with an untimely outbreak of bubonic plague on the island, ultimately sets the stage for a daring escape attempt on the part of the prisoners.