Tornado - Der Zorn des Himmels
Andreas LinkeSchauspieler:
Matthias Koeberlin, Mina Tander, Sascha Göpel, Lisa Martinek, Rudolf Kowalski, Martin Lindow, Harald Schrott, Markus Boysen, Hansjürgen Hürrig, Jacob Matschenz, Cornelia Gröschel, Amber Bongard, Kirsten Block, Bernd Stegemann, Tobias Oertel, Mirco KreibichDer Film dreht sich um den Meteorologen Jan Becker, der lange in Amerika gelebt hat, um Tornados zu studieren. Nun ahnt er Schreckliches, als er zurückkehrt: Die extreme Wetterlage in Deutschland - Hitze und Hagelstürme auf engstem Raum - birgt das Potenzial, einen riesigen Tornado auszubrüten. Doch niemand glaubt ihm, vor allem nicht sein Vater, der Leiter des Wetterdienstes. Als sich wenig später im Berliner Umland eine Superzelle bildet, fährt Jan sofort los, um Beweise für seine Theorie zu sammeln ...
The hottest summer in years: Meteorologist Jan returns from Oklahoma, where he has studied twisters up close, after faring a traumatic catastrophe during his dangerous research. Back in Berlin, he comes to face with his past and his ex-girlfriend Eva, who he had left behind. He clashes with his father, head of the local weather institute, and only his blind sister Sophie still seems to trust him. But no longer is Jan in town that an unusual cold front approaches the city. Immediately Jan recognizes the familiar warning signs of impending doom. He tries to alert the officials, but is ignored by both his father and the government. He is later proven right, and a tornado devastates Berlin. Jan tries to save the people he loves so dearly, even if it means sacrificing his own life
The hottest summer in years: Meteorologist Jan returns from Oklahoma, where he has studied twisters up close, after faring a traumatic catastrophe during his dangerous research. Back in Berlin, he comes to face with his past and his ex-girlfriend Eva, who he had left behind. He clashes with his father, head of the local weather institute, and only his blind sister Sophie still seems to trust him. But no longer is Jan in town that an unusual cold front approaches the city. Immediately Jan recognizes the familiar warning signs of impending doom. He tries to alert the officials, but is ignored by both his father and the government. He is later proven right, and a tornado devastates Berlin. Jan tries to save the people he loves so dearly, even if it means sacrificing his own life