Touchdown - Sein Ziel ist der Sieg
David AnspaughSchauspieler:
Sean Astin, Jon Favreau, Ned Beatty, Lili Taylor, Charles S. Dutton, Vince Vaughn, Greta Lind, Christopher Reed, Deborah Wittenberg, Kevin Duda, Amy Pietz, Scott Benjaminson, Mary Ann Thebus, Christopher Erwin, Robert Benirschke, Luke MasseryRudy Boettiger wächst in einer Arbeiterfamilie in Illinois auf. Obwohl sein Lebensweg deutlich vorgezeichnet ist, träumt er davon, eines Tages als Spieler beim Elite- Footballteam der Notre-Dame-Universität auf dem Feld zu stehen. Als sich selbst seine Freunde wegen seiner Sturheit von ihm abwenden, zieht er los, seine Pläne in die Tat umzusetzen. Tatsächlich gelingt dem schlechten Schüler die Aufnahme in die Universität, doch der Weg in die Mannschaft ist mit Mühsal gepflastert.
Pathetisches Sportdrama.
Rudy grew up in a steel mill town where most people ended up working, but wanted to play football at Notre Dame instead. There were only a couple of problems. His grades were a little low, his athletic skills were poor, and he was only half the size of the other players. But he had the drive and the spirit of 5 people and has set his sights upon joining the team.
Rudy grew up in a steel mill town where most people ended up working, but wanted to play football at Notre Dame instead. There were only a couple of problems. His grades were a little low, his athletic skills were poor, and he was only half the size of the other players. But he had the drive and the spirit of 5 people and has set his sights upon joining the team.