Träume sind wie wilde Tiger
Lars MontagSchauspieler:
Shan Robitzky, Claude Heinrich, Murali Perumal, Terence Lewis, Irshad Panjatan, Marie Schöneburg, Noah Lakmes, Annlis Krischke, Sushila Sara Mai, Emil Mascheck, Anuya RaneFür den zwölfjährigen Ranji aus Mumbai ist Bollywood das Größte: Die bunten Filme der indischen Filmindustrie mit ihren ansteckenden Songs und Tanzchoreographien machen ihn glücklich
12-year-old Ranji is new in Berlin. His big dream: Bollywood. A casting call in Mumbai is the chance. However, Ranji has to overcome a few hurdles: Finding friends, making a video, traveling to Mumbai without his parents and - last but not least - believing in himself.
12-year-old Ranji is new in Berlin. His big dream: Bollywood. A casting call in Mumbai is the chance. However, Ranji has to overcome a few hurdles: Finding friends, making a video, traveling to Mumbai without his parents and - last but not least - believing in himself.