Paul MorrisseySchauspieler:
Joe Dallesandro, Holly Woodlawn, Geri Miller, Andrea FeldmanJoe ist ein Außenseiter der Gesellschaft: Er ist Fixer, impotent und lebt mit seinem Lebenspartner, dem Transvestiten Holly, in einer verdreckten und herruntergekommenen New Yorker Wohnung. Der Zuschauer begleitet ihn bei seinem "normalen" Alltag zwischen exzentrischen Leuten, Sex und dem Wichtigsten in seiner Welt, dem Heroin.
The movie follows Joe (Dallesandro), a heroin addict, throughout his quest to score more drugs. The episodic plot occurs over a single day and centers around Joe's problematic relationship with his on-off, sexually frustrated girlfriend (Woodlawn). During the course of the day, Joe overdoses in front of an upper-class couple, attempts to fool Welfare into approving his methadone treatment by having Holly fake a pregnancy, and frustrates the women in his life with his drug-induced impotence.
The movie follows Joe (Dallesandro), a heroin addict, throughout his quest to score more drugs. The episodic plot occurs over a single day and centers around Joe's problematic relationship with his on-off, sexually frustrated girlfriend (Woodlawn). During the course of the day, Joe overdoses in front of an upper-class couple, attempts to fool Welfare into approving his methadone treatment by having Holly fake a pregnancy, and frustrates the women in his life with his drug-induced impotence.