Trees Lounge - Die Bar, in der sich alles dreht
Steve BuscemiSchauspieler:
Steve Buscemi, Chloë Sevigny, Carol Kane, Mark Boone Junior, Bronson Dudley, Anthony LaPaglia, Michael Buscemi, Elizabeth Bracco, Rockets Redglare, Samuel L. Jackson, Bianca Hunter, iO Tillett Wright, Eszter Balint, Suzanne Shepherd, Debi Mazar, Kevin CorriganTommy ist wohl der einzige Automechaniker, dessen Karre ständig verreckt. Sein ehemaliger, bester Freund Rob feuert Tommy und spannt ihm seine Freundin aus. Als sein Onkel Al stirbt, übernimmt er dessen Eisverkauf. Wenn er nicht gerade seine Runden dreht, hängt Tommy in der Kneipe "Trees Lounge" mit anderen, abgewrackten Loser- Charakteren herum...
Humorvolles Porträt eines Long-Island-Verlierers von und mit Independent-Ikone Steve Buscemi.
Tommy has lost his job, his love and his life. He lives in a small apartment above the Trees Lounge, a bar which he frequents along with a few other regulars without lives. He gets a job driving an ice cream truck and ends up getting involved with the seventeen-year-old niece of his ex-girlfriend. This gets him into serious trouble with her father.
Tommy has lost his job, his love and his life. He lives in a small apartment above the Trees Lounge, a bar which he frequents along with a few other regulars without lives. He gets a job driving an ice cream truck and ends up getting involved with the seventeen-year-old niece of his ex-girlfriend. This gets him into serious trouble with her father.